
Divorce And Child Custody Preparation Tips For Your Children

As a divorcing parent, you likely want to do everything possible to lessen the impact of divorce on your children. This is often a confusing and stressful time for all, but communication barriers and immaturity can often affect minor children in unexpected and traumatic ways during a divorce. At some point, you will need to discuss child custody and visitation arrangements with them in an age-appropriate manner, so read on to learn some tips for dealing with your child's concerns ahead of time. Read More 

3 Questions To Ask When Meeting With Your Personal Injury Attorney

Being injured due to the negligence or intent of another person can be difficult. The first thing you will want to do is to take legal action against the individual that caused you bodily harm. This may enable you to be reimbursed if you have a strong case on your hands. The best way to find out the strength of your case will rest with meeting with a personal injury attorney, such as Dunnigan & Messier P. Read More 

Get Your Life Under Control: Filing For Bankruptcy After A Difficult Divorce

If you've been through a difficult divorce, then you understand how much the whole experience can wreak havoc with your life. When your divorce has left you having financial difficulty, you have options. While debt such as student loans, income tax, and child support payments can't be erased through a bankruptcy, other unsecured debts can be. If you have credit card debt and you are barely making minimum payments, or if you are struggling to pay off old debt from your marriage, you have the right to file for bankruptcy. Read More 

FAQs About Self-Petitioning For A Green Card After Experiencing Abuse

In the past, a green card applicant who was being sponsored by an abusive spouse had very few options when it came to staying or leaving the relationship. Leaving could mean having the green card application rejected. However, changes in the law offer an alternative to staying in an abusive relationship. If you are in an abusive relationship with your green card sponsor, here is what you need to know. Read More 

Want To Reduce Your Tugboat Accident Risk? These Strategies Are Simple But Often Overlooked By Rushed Captains

If you work for a tugboat company, you know how dangerous the work can be. It can also be expensive work and rushed if there are a lot of boats that need towing. It's all too easy to cut a few corners for the sake of time or budget, but this is a bad idea -- safety needs to take priority over schedules and costs. If you are concerned about avoiding open water injuries, which can often be deadly, ensure that the following strategies are already in place. Read More