Journey To A Land Of No Traffic Ticket Repurcussions

4 Tips To Prepare For An IEP Meeting

The Individualized Education Plan, or IEP, meeting is used to help build a strategy to ensure a child with special needs receives the education he or she deserves. Unfortunately, the meeting does not always net the results that parents want. If you have an IEP meeting scheduled, here are some tips for preparing so that you can ensure your child's rights and needs are respected.  Focus on Your Child's Needs Read More 

Analyzing Investment Opportunities: How To Spot Illegal Security And Commodity Fraud Scams

Investing is a great way to increase your or your company's net worth. However, investment opportunities are not always what they seem. While most investment opportunities are legitimate, it can be difficult to distinguish between legitimate opportunities and scams. Since most types of investment scams are illegal, it's vital that you learn how to tell the difference. If you invest your money in a scam, you could lose your money. You might even face charges. Read More 

Is It True Seamen Aren’t Eligible For Workers’ Compensation?

It's a common belief that all employees in every industry are eligible for workers' compensation benefits. Unfortunately, that isn't true. If you are a seaman and are injured while on a seafaring vessel, you are not covered by workers' compensation insurance. Here's more information about this issue and the recourse available to you if you are hurt on a maritime job. Alternative Workers' Comp Options Workers' compensation is a state-based program, meaning eligibility, policies, procedures, and other associated issues are all handled based on the laws in each individual state. Read More 

Understanding the Costs Associated With Hiring a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

In 2014 alone, private industry employers reported that nearly 3 million employees suffered injuries while on the job. If you have been injured while working, you may find that you need to file a workers' compensation claim in order to gain access to the financial compensation you deserve. To help you plan for the financial burden associated with hiring an attorney, here are three types of costs you should be prepared to pay when working with a workers' compensation attorney in the future. Read More 

Maximizing The Chance Of An Accepted Workers’ Compensation Claim After A Denial

When someone gets injured on the job and the injury leads to a situation where the person is no longer able to perform their job safely, they may file for workers' compensation to make up for the monetary loss. Filing for workers' compensation does not automatically mean you will be accepted to receive payments. Many people will be denied, requiring steps to be taken to convince the workers' compensation board that the claim is just. Here are a few tips you can use to help maximize the chance of acceptance if you are initially denied benefits after the first application is filed. Read More