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Why You Should Exchange Emails With Your Personal Injury Attorney

If you have recently hired a personal injury attorney or are thinking about hiring one sometime soon, consider exchanging emails with your attorney in the weeks or months that they are handling your case. There is a good chance that your attorney or their team might have already asked for your email when you first hired the law firm to help with your personal injury case. If not, then you should consider sharing this information for the following reasons and more. Read More 

3 Things To Do When Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer To Represent You

Are you getting ready to hire a personal injury lawyer in your area? Here are a few things you should do once you find an attorney you think you want to work with. Schedule a Consultation Appointment Before even deciding whether you want to work with a particular personal injury lawyer, schedule an initial consultation meeting with them so you can get to know them face-to-face and gain a clear understanding of how they can help you. Read More 

Beware Of The Common Defenses To A Slip And Fall Claim

Whenever you're involved in civil litigation as a plaintiff, such as when you are filing a slip and fall claim, it's helpful to know the type of defenses that a defendant might make and that you can expect. Then, you and your slip and fall lawyer are able to prepare for crafting counters to these defenses. Failure to Prove one of the Four Elements of a Personal Injury Claim To win a personal injury claim, you must prove that the defendant had a duty of care, that the defendant breached that duty, that the accident was the result of the breach, and that you suffered damages as a result. Read More 

How A Fatality Can Lead To More Serious DUI Charges

The reason why DUIs are taken so seriously is that they often lead to accidents that can cause serious injuries or death. If you are involved in a DUI crash in which someone passed away, this can have an impact on your case. You'll definitely want to get in contact with a DUI law firm. Consequences of a DUI There are many harsh penalties for DUIs. However, you are most likely to face the most severe penalties when the accident leads to a fatality. Read More 

After A Work Injury: Staying Home And Healing

If you have been hurt in a work-related accident, you may be entitled to a number of benefits, depending on your location. In most cases, though, workers who have an approved claim can expect to be paid for their medical expenses and a wage replacement benefit too. Read on to find out more about the wage replacement benefit. Recuperating At Home Not all workplace injuries will include a lot of time away from work. Read More